Prescription drugs

After watching ‘Prescription Thugs’ and reading ‘Top pro and Con Quote’ the pharmaceutical  Companies only care about how much money they actually make. for example in the movie they kept talking about how easy it was to actually get these pills for example they said you can literally go to your doctor and tell them you cant focus and they will prescribe adderall for you because like they said who are the doctors to say how you feel. Also you can go on craigslist and but any type of you pills you want. But some pro sides of these pills are there are actual people out there that needs these drugs for there pain and the problems that they have, They make the pain go away and its all good. Its until people start abusing them is when it starts to become a problem. In the Movie the main persons brother died during making the movie from these drugs because he was abusing them and at the end of the day ll that poison got to him and sadly he passed away. But another Thing that was shocking is when he admitted that he was still abusing these drugs during the movie so they stopped the whole movie production some could go to rehab. Once he got back from rehab he explained why he didn’t tell anyone and it was because he didn’t really have a choice they already gave him the money for the documentary so he had to do it.

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